a lot of things happened since e laz time i blogged..
shall start wif myself.. on 14th,i din realized dat my side stand was not open fully so bike fell la.. den e clever me din let go of the handle & i slowly squat down,following e motion of my falling bike.. dunno wat happened but the next day,my back hurts like hell.. fast forward a few days later,it got worst.. so on 18th went to A&E to get a jab.. u noe wat? i din even wait for 5 mins den my queue no was up.. u muz go on a sunday before 9pm.. practically like no one's dere.. so... yesterday din go work cos it was hell wen i took a shower so i noe i cant last e whole day at work.. but i am much much betta today cos yesterday a makcik urut me for more than 2hrs for $50.. cheap & she was really gud.. so i guez she will b my permanent makcik urut.. hehehe
niwae,on 18th is my ayah's 40th day kenduri.. did it at my sis place.. did i cry? yes,i did.. i remembered e day wen he was coughing out blood.. how much he was suffering.. e pain reflects on his face.. i nid to really stop crying.. Al-Fateha to ayah..
after e kenduri, i went to A&E as mentioned above. i juz stepped into my hse for 5 mins den mama received a phonecall saying dat Farhan,my step-cousin,had passed away at SGH.. so off we went to SGH & saw a lot of kakek's frenz dere.. we were all dere for the same person.. at such a young age of 26,he left tis world in an accident where he was an innocent party.. hopefully,justice will be served.. niwae,i was quite amazed at his mum's reaction.. cik esah was very calm & i din even see her cry.. all she did was to kiss her son & stroke his hair repeatedly..
Al-Fateha for Arwah Farhan.. & i hope Cik Esah & family will be strong.. Insya Allah..
& after soo long of not meeting him, i saw him at e hospital.. my dearest abg amir (step-bro).. i cried & hugged & bit him cos i miz him sooooooooo much.. & i was worried cos they said dat he went onboard for work.. i dun think so.. short hair & beefed up body, i think i noe where he went to.. but he said he dun wan bapak to worry & dats e reason y he lied about his whereabouts.. but its ok.. as long as he's alive & doing fine, i dun mind about e past.. he's my bro & i luv him.. i juz dun wan him to go back to his old days..
ok.. i'm tired of typing.. i'm going back to sleep cos e medication for my back is really powerful.. i can fall asleep within 30 mins & can sleep for 4 to 5 hrs straight.. gud ah e pills... hehehe
... juz becos u read about me doesn't mean u noe me ...