Saturday, September 26

forgot to mentioned tis la.. u guys shud really watched 'The Ugly Truth'.. its damn funny lor.. its really about e ugly truth about bgr & how much we deny sum facts about it, its shown in e movie.. dat day while buka-ing wif my batchmates, we decided to catch a movie & i'm so glad dat we watched tis instead of 'gamer' or sumthing.. i give it a 5 outta 5.. its superb!!

juz now after work, me & adha went to top up petrol at JB den head down to Yishun Dam cos sum of e guys were dere.. & while we were talking, i realized dat i'm so misunderstood at work.. sum peep did asked me if i'm interested to go to a 'tough' area where checking of vehicles is involved.. apparently, dey tot i'm too ladylike & weak to do such tedious job... & wen i mentioned dat i wanna do interrogating, sum1 mentioned dat i'm too lady-like again!! Oh God!! i am soooooo misunderstood..
yes.. i admit dat at work, i'm very happy & bubbly & smiley.. but dey dunno e real me.. i can be nasty if i wan to lor.. its juz dat wen u r sitting down in e counter for hours, stamping ur chops away, y be grumpy,rite? juz be positive about ur work & be merry lor.. & by doing tis, dey tot dat i can't handle or carry out e 'tough' bit of e job.. WTF!!!? was quite shocked about tis la.. i din noe dat i am a lady-like person myself.. kept asking myself: is tis y i din get transferred to other areas? wen i'm given a job, i do it well.. but bcos of tis, it hinders my chances of doing other things? haiz............
Guez i muz act tougher @ work? dunno la...

niwae, tomolo, Sat, me going to jalan raya wif my sista's family to my ayah's side.. sumthing dat we din noe for about 4 yrs now.. but since kakak mentioned it, so y not? & its my off day & its so obvious dat kakek's not going out wif me..AGAIN!! & on sunday, i'm going for e F1 grandprix!! yeah.. kakak got an extra ticket & she's bringing me!! yeah!!! i so wanna see lewis hamilton in person even though i dunno much about F1.. hahahah! if i can la... so..... wish me luck!!

... juz becos u read about me doesn't mean u noe me ...